
+ 1 (248) 414-4470

COVID Statement - Update

March 24th, 2020

To SAS Global Corporations domestic and global business customers and partners,

We are all experiencing unique challenges, as well as, extreme uncertainty as this crisis continues to unfold. We want to make you aware of the contingencies implemented by SAS during this current situation that of course is changing daily.

Per Executive Order No. 2020-21 implemented by Governor Whitmer, effective March 24th, 2020, SAS Global Corporation has been classified and is operating as a Critical Manufacturing Facility, which designates our employees and representatives as an essential workforce.

All SAS Global Corporation manufacturing facilities are open and functioning with a full staff to support your needs for materials, equipment, parts, and services as required. As you are aware, SAS has a diverse workforce with a wide variety of roles and responsibilities. We have and are continuing to execute into place a number of steps to ensure the safety of our employees while supporting your current needs.

We are encouraging and abiding by the recommendation for social distancing by requiring our office personnel to either space out their work stations and/or work remotely from home. Please continue to reach out and connect with your current SAS associates as they are ready and prepared to provide the same level of service and support.

Our production and plant personnel have rearranged their work spaces and are dedicated to work as usual with an emphasis on preventative measures to ensure the well-being of all our personnel and surrounding community.

We understand these are turbulent times that are evolving rapidly, but be assured, SAS is committed to remain operational to continue to be your supply chain as usual until otherwise redirected by our Federal and/or Local Government agencies.


SAS Global Corporation

Cladtec / Vtec

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